Thursday, February 12, 2009

Michael Oliver's suggestion - overcoming objections

Can the issue of price come up after you have presented your solution? Of course it can!

How you respond can mean the difference between producing a potential leader or another welfare recipient.

For example, do you sometimes hear something like this?

That’s more expensive than what I am paying now for my (skin care product).

I’m not sure I can afford the monthly payment.

And do you immediately respond with something like...

Well let me show you how you can make up the difference and get it for free

Well, I can show you how you can recover the monthly fee very quickly so that
it pays for itself

Or (my most un-favorite one!)

I can show you how to get it for wholesale, etc...

If you’re doing this... STOP! This is not the time to go there. You’re discounting and devaluing the value of you and what you represent.

Here’s why...

You’re not doing them a favor by reinforcing their possible limiting beliefs or expectations
You’re potentially perpetuating, reinforcing or creating a “something for nothing” welfare mentality. They’ve been there, heard that and done it all before. And most times it hasn’t worked so why should it now?

More importantly, you’re lowering your own expectations by meeting a potential customer or partner at their lower vibrational level. Your job is to help them raise theirs!

Instead, (assuming you have done your Natural Selling Discovery Approach and you’ve discovered there is a need and their real why behind the need)... stay high. THIS is the time to use a heavy dose of Consequence Questions.

It’s what I call spiritually shaking them by the collar to help them wake up and shift out of their present limiting thoughts! (And you thought Natural Selling was soft?!!!)

If the price issue comes up...

Say something like...

I can appreciate that... So how important is it for you to (repeat what they told you
they wanted and why)

When they confirm it’s important, follow with..

So it’s important.... yes? Then let me ask you, based on what you told me, if you
continue with your present product which you said is worrying you because of its
chemical content that could harm your body, why would you want to continue, even if
it is does seem cheaper?

So how are you going to find the money to make up the difference... so that you no
longer have to worry about being laid off and not being able to take care or yourself
and family? How are you going to be independent of all of that, knowing you CAN take
care of yourself and your family, which you said is the most important thing to you at
this time?

You can use an analogy...

Let me ask you this. If doctors told you that you had a condition, that meant you had
6 months to live unless you underwent an operation that would cost $20,000, after
which you could live out the rest of your life... would you find the $20,000?

When they say yes, you continue with...

Well, isn’t this about YOUR life (or health or whatever is relevant)? Isn’t this about
making a choice to either continue the same path of what you’re presently doing and
getting the same results, or changing so that you can get the (repeat what they said
they wanted).

Keep silent and allow them to reply. Follow with...

I’m here to help you. However, I think you’ll agree, the only person who can really
help you is you... would that be true?

So do you think you’re worth (the extra amount or paying the monthly fee) so that
you can move forward in your life?

So how do you see yourself resolving your issue?

Stay away from discounting yourself and everything you represent. You’re too valuable for that.
Stay vibrationally high. Learn to elevate your thinking and stay there by using the correct language.

Being UP brings them up. You cannot help them, nor yourself, if you drop to their lower vibrational levels.

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